This segment will talk about the most anticipated albums of the past month and what were (is albums) the albums that lived up to the hype and what was ought (the ought albums) to be a great album. This is not a ranking of albums or telling you what you should or shouldn't listen to you, but take it simply as what we have enjoyed in the past month and what let us down. Enjoy and please feel free to provide feedback if you feel we missed something big or small (cause we love to get new music in our hands) or if you had another opinion on the music.
Lets get to this months releases.
The "Is" Albums
Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes
Climbing up to the release of Wounded Rhymes we posted a lot of content on it. The songs that I heard before the jump all seemed to point towards the fact that Lykkes sophomore album would be one of the best of the year. She did not disappoint! The album surpasses her last release Youth Novels, not because the singles are necessarily better...but because Lykke Li put a full 10 tracks together on this album instead of 3 or 4 on her last. Songs like I Follow Rivers, Love Out Of Lust, and Get Some all show her obsessive and sultry side approach to love. While in contrast, songs like Youth Knows No Pain, Sadness is a Blessing and Unrequited Love show that Lykke does appreciate the more innocent side of love. She has proven to me that she knows how to write a song that offers catchy melodies while still providing a depth that is unheard of in lots of music.
Wounded Rhymes is a big step for Lykke but in lots of circles her name is still unknown. However, when you put out an album without a single disappointing track it is hard to see why she won't continue to climb the song counts in lots of peoples music libraries. This is the music I wish would make the radio here in Calgary... cause there's a lot of crap out there.
If you haven't already, get your hands on this album and give it a full listen from front to back; the way it was meant to be listened to.
Stream the whole album below.
Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes (Hype Machine Album Exclusive) by LykkeLi
The Strokes - Angles
So here it is... The fourth and long awaited studio album from The Strokes entitled Angles. This album has been hyped and hyped and hyped and hyped a little more. People were craving that old Strokes sound that we heard on Is This It and Room on Fire. However, with that being said I don't know why people were expecting it would be like that at all. The band said that the song writing on this album would be done by everybody instead of just Julian Casablancas. This fact alone should have woke people up to the fact that the album would be everything but that good ol' Strokes sound. Nevertheless, at the jump I am seeing write ups saying that this is not what they expected from the group and hinting at the fact that they maybe should have just stopped making music while they were ahead. I disagree... and let me tell you why.
When First Impressions of Earth was released it was evident that the band was trying to sample some new sounds and find something new for themselves. The album was met with poor reviews and healthy amounts of criticism. Call it what you want, but that album was in no way as bad as people tore it apart. If people want to hear the original Strokes sound then go listen to their first two albums and keep singing their old stuff for nostalgic value. There are very few bands that keep their sound the same these days and those that do end up getting criticized for not exploring. Angles broke many years of silence from this band and I think it is one if their best releases overall. There are hints of the old stuff mixed in with the new stuff and the combination of the two remind me why The Strokes is one of the best bands of our generation.
Songs like Undercover of Darkness and Gratisfaction provide their old sound, while songs like Machu Picchu and Two Kinds of Happiness mix new sounds with some older classic rock sounds. In addition, there are songs that are simply good to listen to like Taken For A Fool and Life Is Simple In The Moonlight. However, here are also songs that are flat out weird such as You're So Right.
Overall, I am very happy with the new album from The Strokes. My faith in them is reaffirmed and I hope we can all enjoy more of their albums in the future.
Check out the tracks.
Machu Picchu
The Strokes - Machu Picchu
Undercover of Darkness
The Strokes- Undercover of Darkness
Or Stream the whole album HERE.
Alexi Murdoch - Towards the Sun
As I mentioned in a previous post, it has been a long time since we have heard new music from Alexi Murdoch, so I was very excited when this singer-songwriter release Towards the Sun. Alexi may not be for everyone due is very mellow nature and simplistic instrumentals but the quality of the songwriting and his calm vocals makes this one great album. Alexi doesn't venture to far from brought him success on his debut, Time with Consequence but I say if isn't broke then don't fix it. Every time is listen to album I feel as if I might just come to some great realization about my life, probably while driving on sunny day across the prairies. May be that just me, but this one definitely worth a good listen and maybe it will hit home for you like it did for me. Highlights include "Towards the Sun", "Some Day Soon", and "Slow Revolution".
Alexi Murdoch - Towards The Sun
Other Albums from March to check out:
Alex Turner - Submarine OST
Alex Turner - Stuck on a Puzzle
Kurt Vile - Smoke Ring For My Halo
Kurt Vile - Jesus Fever
The "Ought" Albums
Lupe Fiasco - Lasers
What to say about Lasers... I liked Lupe Fiasco's previous albums because they seemed to pull away from most of the music that is considered rap/hip hop today. His rhymes and melodies created a niche for himself where his music had some actual pop and movement instead of droning beats, bass, and meaningless lyrics.
In this album Lupes single The Show Goes On could actually pass as an alright track for me. The use of Modest Mouses, Float On in the chorus manages to carry the song through and make it listenable... however, the other tracks seem to fail where the single had some mediocre success. The opening two tracks Letting Go and Words I Never Said appears to be attempts by Lupe to show a different side of his talent. The darker beats and dulled out lyrics don't seem to flow well and I find myself zoning out throughout the track. Till I Get There offers a glimpse of hope for the album, but it doesn't seem to achieve a punch throughout it's three and half minutes of play time. I find myself waiting for something to change my mind but the track doesn't do it. The rest of the album seems like Lupe has been listening to every one else in the industry and forgot who he is. He is taking ideas from dance, the unfortunate auto-tune craze, other rappers and groups. The album to me is a big mish mash and doesn't create a unified direction or theme. I am simply lost as to what Lupe Fiasco was trying to achieve here.
I have no problem with him trying something new, but he didn't do it right here. Maybe if he had stuck with the same formula I would have thought he should have ventured out a bit. Nonetheless, I expect more from someone as talented as Lupe Fiasco.
Check out the single below:
The Show Goes On--Lupe Fiasco (2010)
Peter Bjorn and John - Gimme Some
This one was a battle for me as to if was and an "is" or an "ought" but I are some more listens is an ought for me. This Swedish tri0 have pumped some awesome alternative pop rock over the years but this Gimme Some just doesn't hold up as full album. They have returned to the sound that brought them so much success on the album Writer's Block which I enjoy and in is right in there wheel house. But as mentioned they couldn't establish this throughout the entire album, Gimme Some starts strong with "Tomorrow Has To Wait", "Digger A Little Deeper", "Second Chance" and even "Eyes". But after that the album just a little lazy to me. All things consider not a horrible album and still worth a listen. Highlights include "Tomorrow Has To Wait" and "Digger A Little Deeper".
Sorry, no soundclouds available!
Noah and The Whale - Last Night On Earth
Noah and the Whale return with their sophomore effort Last Night On Earth and they have truly taken a new direction with the song writing on this album. This album features about five different songs that focus on everything life will be great. Don't get me wrong I am for optimism and life but their effort here just does not come off as sincere. Where as with their first album The First Days of Spring there was some stuff that you could really connect to such as the title track from the album with lyrics like "like a cut down tree, I will rise again, bigger and stronger then ever before" provides you with a sense of optimism that doesn't come off as childish and poppy. Listen for yourself and see what you think.
Noah and the Whale – L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N
- Spence and Bryce
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